We endeavour to improve accessibility to our church and have special provisions in place for those with limited mobility, impaired hearing and/or impaired sight. Please get in touch with us if you believe there are other ways we can improve in this regard.
Level access to the church is from Winnie Street where there is a drop-ff zone for mobility challenged visitors. Enter the church through the north door.

A hearing loop operates for the pews on the left-hand side of the church.

A large print version of the weekly pew sheet is available. If you would like a copy please request this from the Sidesperson.
Toilets are available in the Lower Hall and a mobility access toilet is in the David Armstrong Room meeting room. A Sidesperson/ Welcomer will provide directions and assistance.
Each Sunday we are publishing an on-line service from St Peter’s that is accompanied by a downloadable service sheet. If you are unable to come to St Peter’s for whatever reason you can still connect with us. We’d love to hear from you.